ENY 5241 Biological Control
This course examines the basic and applied concepts of biological control. This includes an overview of the diversity and biology of biological control agents, current philosophies, strategies, and tactics of classical, augmentation and conservation biological control. Specific cases of applied biological control are studied. Methods for monitoring and evaluating natural enemies are studied, and Federal laws, and public education are addressed. Narrated slide presentations and readings provide information for weekly discussions. An independent project on a topic directly related to biological control and a class project on biological control are key elements of the course.
Course Format
Online – Live Attendance is Required
Course Goals
In this course, students will learn:
- Definitions of biological control.
- History of biological control.
- Diversity and biology of natural enemies
- Applied biological control strategies: classical, augmentation, and conservation.
- Natural enemy monitoring and evaluation.
- Federal laws affecting biological control.
- Current issues in biological control