ENY 6203L Insect Ecology Laboratory

ENY 6203L Insect Ecology Laboratory


This lab class in designed to introduce you to common techniques used in insect ecology field research and to be comfortable with the manipulation of data derived from ecological experiments. A major component of the course gives you practice in writing up research results as a scientific paper. This is one of the required courses in the entomology graduate curriculum and should be taken concurrently with the Insect Ecology lecture course, ENY6203.


ENY 3005/5006, or any introductory entomology course.

Course Format

Location: Online

Course Goals

  1. Assess the extent of foliar damage done by insect herbivores
  2. Model insect development and population dynamics through various techniques
  3. Estimate insect population size through various techniques
  4. Describe insect diversity within ecosystems
  5. Evaluate and critique content of scientific journal articles
  6. Analyze experimental data and write a manuscript in the format required for publication in a scientific journal


1Reading and writing scientific literature
2Influence of temperature on insect development and measuring microclimatic variables
3Measuring insect herbivory
4Marking techniques
5Life tables and population dynamics
6Sampling methods
7Litter/soil arthropod communities